Your comments

How do you pay to get them fed? I thought you automatically get charged.

I was talking about the US one. Good to know that it's held on an anniversary. 

it happens with other gifs, too. I think this might be if you upload it. The link doesn’t speed it up. Sometimes I do find that the link does slow it down, though.

Could someone comment why they think this is a bad idea? I just want to know your opinion!

thanks for telling me! I didn’t know that it was scheduled!

I meant 120! I was half asleep when I wrote this. XD

I'm suggesting 180 days from the amount of days that you could buy for yourself. On the American site, it gives you the option to buy 30 days of VIP and 180 days. I'm not sure about the other WoP sites though.

This also happened to someone else.

I agree with this. If you couldn’t be active while you still had VIP, why can’t you give it to someone who can enjoy it? You should be able to give someone VIP if you can’t enjoy it yourself. After all, you are the one who pays for it, and it still is being payed for. Maybe there could be a small fee to give your VIP to someone else?


I agree with letting non-VIP users have the ‘Best Friend’ relation. I feel like non-VIP users should be able to have some things (like homework graded equally as fast) that VIP users have. Yes, I do think that people should still have to buy VIP for most of the features, but people like me who don’t have VIP and want some perks should be able to get a little taste of having  a VIP profile.