Your comments

helping bump this up <3

^^ This would be really useful abhjkfc

I know this is really old, but seeing as if I tried to create my own feedback post, it'd probably just get grouped together with all the others to be collectively ignored.

I don't really understand why this can't be considered as an option...gender is much more than simply "male and female." People clearly want this to be added and it would make WoP as well as WoX a more welcoming place. I'm, of course, not trying to start a fight or anything. I just want answers because it is super weird and confusing that this feature isn't being added in a year like 2018-2020. Especially seeing how many people were upvoting this. I know it can be stated in a PT or backstory, but when someone hovers over a profile, it will say what gender they chose at signing up for the site. People will then start referring to them with those pronouns without checking their PT/BS, which would inconvenience or possibly hurt the user.

(I typed way more than I initially wanted to, oops)