Your comments

I wrote that suggestion already. Would  be amazing and a chance to open WoP to  lot of people and countries

There are not many spanish in EU site, I don't know about the American one. 

I'm not going to stop being in Eu site  as long as my friends keep appearing and they are not spanish. UK is going to have a site because they don't feel confortable with the rest of the world and i get it, english have different view of things and have an amazing but also different personality but there are two sites in english already and  isnot posible to have a spanish one cause the EU is going to be quiet? I suggest that because most spanish people have no conficende at all with english, if you ask in the chat where are people from you'll see spanish italians and portugues are the smallest group and is not because we have no HP fans is because the language. I can see what you think but I would love everybody to be able to enjoy this world as I do and, of course,  is just an idea :)

More than 450M  people speak spanish as mother language (just another number to support your graphic)