Your comments

the whole point of the WoX sites is to be text based.

The creativity in the stories people make is what makes the sites fun. 

i am willing to pay anny amount they charge money no issue here 

but they could also work with people as an author team and just do the books that make it throug selection 

i didnt really mean for backstory's annyway but sometimes peoples books could use a nice correction while theye are verry good but not quit there for publishing yet

i already have vip but you coud rpthat a shop doesnt have enough money to expands their assortmend and seek a person to invest in their store 

so i meant galleons and ig money  all the the weasly's etting harry's price money as investment into the store

log of and on again works for me if the timer is stuck on 000000

thats the point of it you make so much money you what better way than to invest it in shops or even gringots itself for improvement or a wider range of products.cause all i do right now is havving money in the bank i could easily live from the gringots interest and still helpshops grow by investing in them or buying and owning shops

this would be a verry neat feauture i would love to feed random people's pets

i also think you should pay the quiditch players maybe a little amount per played game like 5galleons.

this will increase the effort of the players.

also make it possible for people to invest in a team sothe team could buy new equipment and pay the players

like a lottery system where you could win milions at once is that what you want ?